Easy does it: Overnight Oats

Ready in less than five minutes (no, really), healthy and virtuously filling, overnight oats are a quick and easy breakfast that’s great whether you have a hectic morning ahead or just want to sleep a little longer. All you have to do is prep the night before. Variations are countless, but we have two for you: a peanut butter and chocolate version, if you’re the sweet tooth kind; and a fresh berries one, for those looking for something a little less indulgent. 

Peanut butter and chocolate overnight oats

Fills 1 mason jar

Shopping list

Preparation method

  1. Pour rolled oats and chia seeds to a mason jar or other glass container with a lid. 
  2. Add peanut butter, honey if using, chocolate nibs, and milk, and stir to combine. 
  3. Close the jar tightly and place it in the fridge for at least 4 hours (or overnight) to allow chia seeds to soften.
  4. The next day, add an extra splash of milk right before enjoying, if needed. Top with peanut butter cups for extra sweetness. 

Fresh berries and yoghurt overnight oats

Fills 1 mason jar

Shopping List

  • 60 grams rolled oats
  • 1 tsp (10 grams) chia seeds
  • 120 ml plain or organic yoghurt
  • 15 ml honey or maple syrup (optional for sweetness)
  • 120 ml milk -- regular, almond, oat milk all work
  • 50 grams fresh or frozen blueberries (or any other berries you have frozen or can get hold of), thawed and divided
  • 50 grams fresh or frozen strawberries, thawed and divided
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice
  • Optional toppings: almonds or sunflower seeds. 

Preparation method

  1. In a mason jar, combine oats, milk, yoghurt, honey or mapley syrup and chia seeds. 
  2. Layer half of the berries in as you mix, close the jar, and place it in the fridge.
  3. The following morning, place the remaining berries in a small bowl, and squeeze the lemon juice in. Let stand for a couple of minutes, until the berries begin to release their juices.
  4. Remove oats from the fridge, top them with the berries, and enjoy. 

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